We got a quick tour of the school and where we will be teaching. The classrooms are not very big and there is like no air flow. So teaching in 90 degree weather could be a little interesting for us! We were only at the orphanage for a short period of time before we squeezed into the van to go hike the mountain. We fit 12 grown adults into this minivan along with 2 kids. The kids were told they could come along if they made there beds and got creme in there hair. Only two boys had done that so they could come along with us! It was little tight in the van. Thankfully we had to only travel about a half hour to get to the drop off point to climb the mountain. Bobby (our driver) dropped us off in the middle of the street in the middle of the market. In the market there are a lot of people along with a lot of people on motorcycles. They are just zooming past us as we are trying to navigate our way around the mountain. The market is full of Haitians trying to sell food and clothing. We saw a lot of rice and chicken. The chicken is not bagged our anything it is just skinned and then sitting in a card board box. I can't believe the people don't get sick from it. Once we got out of the market we reached a flat land that consisted mostly of dirt and palm trees. The photo is from the river we crossed.
We came across a river that was pretty wide but only a little deeper than my ankles in parts. The river was one of the hardest parts to see on this journey. Since they can not afford to build a bridge people driver there moto's (motorcycles) and jeeps through the water. So when we were crossing the water we had to be cautious of the them. There are also people who just park in the middle of the river and start washing there cars. There were also lots of people bathing in the water. They would just sit in the water and rinse themselves off with water. They would also do there laundry while bathing in the water. I think the Haitians got quite a kick out of watching us cross the river. The bottom of the river was full of rocks that really hurt your feet. So we were all slowly making our way. They all just watched us cross and laughed! Once we crossed the river we started climbing up the mountain to the Bassin Bleu. This is waterfall found in the mountains that has 3 pools of water. We had been warned that this was not an easy hike before beginning our trip. The first half a mile was easy. Our whole group was joking about how they said that this was tough and we didn't even break a sweat. We all shortly regretted that comment. We literally turned a corner and it was just a steep incline zig zagging through the mountain. These paths are also not that nice. It is on gravel so you have to be careful that you don't fall.
When it started to get steep we also lost the shade of our palm trees and were directly in the sun. It was one hot walk. I don't think I have ever sweated so much. At one point one of the Haitian boys that is the same age as us looks at Haley and I and says this is the easy part and starts laughing at us. I am telling you these Haitian people are in insane shape. We were just walking up the mountain once. They say that many of the people climb the mountain multiple times a day while carrying 5 gallon pails of water. I have no idea how they do it. At one point Haley and I had decided that the hike up the mountain was harder then pre-season of volleyball. After a long journey to the top we finally made it to the waterfall. The water was such a pretty blue! It only took us a matter of seconds to get into the water. We had to swim a little ways to reach the waterfall. Once you saw the waterfall it made the whole hike up the mountain worth it. It was so pretty. The pictures do not do justice for what it looks like. My favorite part of the waterfall was laying on your back and just floating next to it. You could hear the water falling along looking at the trees and rocks surrounding and seeing the clouds at the top. It was so pretty and relaxing. The best part of this waterfall is it was not full of tourist. There were maybe twenty people there so you could really take in the view and enjoy it.
After spending some time in the water we started to head back down the mountain. Some of the things that I noticed on the way down were the houses and kids. I actually looked around on my way down because I wasn't so focused on climbing! I had multiple kids come up to me and ask for money and water. They would just grab your hand and ask. It was so hard to just keep walking and ignore them. Most of these kids were not wearing any shoes which just amazes me. The kids also did not have any toys most of them were either carrying water jugs or playing with a stick. Most of the houses we saw were made out of cinder blocks with just a tarp over top as there roof. It was really neat to walk through the mountain and experience what they go through on a daily basis. Once we got to the bottom of the mountain we loaded up the van and head back to our hotel. The picture on the left is Matt and I swimming in the water!
The first thing Haley and I did was drink a whole bunch of water and just sit. We were exhausted from the hike. After we regrouped we went and got a meal. This was our first meal since 8 am and it was now 6 pm. I didn't realize how hungry I was. I order some creole spaghetti. The only difference was that it had ham in the sauce along with onions and peppers. It was very good. Remember how yesterday I was saying they had such large portions of food and I have no idea how they eat it all? Yeah, I take that comment back. I don't think I have ever ate so much food so fast in one sitting! After our meal we headed back to our rooms to relax and unwind for the night! We stopped for a photo on one of our breaks while hiking the mountain.
The picture to the left is Haley and I at the waterfall!
The photo on bottom: See the little town in the background? Thats where we started!
With Love,
It is so wonderful to get a glimpse of what you are seeing and doing! Thanks for sharing. I have enjoyed reading what you are experiencing and look forward to continuing the journey with you.