"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But thats okay. The journey changes you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you... Hopefully, you leave something good behind."-Anthony Bourdain

With that being said I will also warn you that traveling is not easy. For the last twenty four hours I have been on and off crying. I wanted to run the complete opposite direction of the airport and go back to the kids. I wanted to give them all one last hug and tell them that everything is going to be okay. I can't even get myself to look at my pictures because I fear that if I do I will start crying again. Leaving a place that you fall in love with the culture and people is so hard. It changes you. You look at life differently. I have some really great memories from this trip along with some that I wish I could erase from my memory.
Before I had left for the trip I had added some new songs to my phone. One of the songs I added was "Do Something" By Matthew West. If you have never heard the song you should defiantly listen to it. It talks about how there is poverty and pain in this world. It questions why did God create this in this world. The song goes on to say he created you to help those people. This song hit me hard on my way to Port Au Prince last night. I know that I left somewhat of an impact on those kids. Amazingly, I think they left more of an impact on me. Even though they have very little I have learned so much from them. In my final blog I encourage to do something. Follow your dreams. Don't let anything stop you. If it is meant to happen it will happen. Trust that God will lead you to where you want to go. He has a plan for you all you have to do is trust him. So go out and live you life and be happy! Don't worry about the little things they will all fall into place!
With Love,
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