One of the main things we are taught as pre-service teachers is to be prepared for anything. We are also told that we need to be able to think on our feet when lessons don't go as planned. In Haiti we do not create lesson plans we just do our lessons based on what we think the kids need to know. I feel so unprepared when walking into these classrooms but I just go with it and try to teach as best as possible. One of the hardest things is the language barrier but they want us to fully immerse the kids in the language. I don't know how many times Haley and I have looked at each other and thought what the heck are we supposed to be doing! We are slowly learning and getting an understanding for how the school is runs.

When we got into the kindergarten classroom one of teachers showed us an art craft she wanted us to do for class. She literally had picked one of the hardest things to do. It was a flower that was more like origami. I would maybe do it with a fourth grade class but we were doing it with kindergarten. It was asking us to cut out over 300 squares to create the flower for the students to make and they gave us ten minutes to get prepared. So just imagine 21 kindergartners running around the room while Haley and I frantically cut out squares. Let's just say the craft was a disaster.
In the other classes that we were teaching today they told us to teach the kids how to type. For anyone who has seen me type I am not the greatest typer nor do I have any idea on how to teach typing. The teachers also did not tell us that we were going to be teaching typing today so they literally just threw us to the wolves. For not having a clue of what we were supposed to be doing I would say we did pretty well. Tonight we both looked up activities for the kids to do to work on typing so hopefully tomorrow will go a little better. It was also very hard because there was only one computer per three kids. So the two kids who were just sitting were getting distracted and bugging other students.

Before coming on this trip I had all these intentions of changing the school and really helping these teachers. As we are on week two of the trip I am realizing that there is way too much that needs to be done in this school. There is no way we can accomplish that in the three weeks that we are here. As much as I want to help the school you can't do everything we are only human. My main goal is to love on these kids because they love the attention. I just love how they are becoming so comfortable with us. I am starting to catch onto all of their personalities and what they like to do.
With Love,
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