We had our first day off from the orphanage and we took full advantage of that. Earlier in the week we met some English teachers that work at a local school. They told us they would love to show us all the places around Haiti. They met us in the morning and we all ate breakfast at our hotel. Shad, Jaci, and Jessica are all elementary teachers who have been in Haiti all school year.

After breakfast we all got onto a tap-tap and headed toward a different beach. We rode the tap-tap for about twenty minutes and then got dropped off at the beach. The tap-tap ride to the beach cost us about 75 cents. It is so nice to travel for so cheap around here. I am always surprised at how welcoming the people are when we get on the tap-tap. They are always smiling and making room for you.

This beach was so pretty. The water was clearer then pool water and it had sand. When you were in the water you could see the mountains in the back ground. The beach did not have very many people at all. It was nice to get away from our hotel and see some other parts of Haiti. The beach we went to was called Kabik. We spent most of the afternoon floating in the water and exchanging travel stories. They also told us of all the places we need to visit while on the island. Haley and I are so excited to visit all these places. It was so nice to hang out with people our age and who had the same interests. After a long week of absorbing this country and feeling a million emotions it was nice to just relax. We both said we finally had a day where our minds weren't running a million miles thinking about all the ways we can help! It was a great ending to our first week. Tonight we are heading into town to go try out a restaurant that apparently has beef. I am so excited I have not had meat since I left home and I am craving it so bad!
With Love,
I am really enjoying the "birds eye view" of Haiti! Thanks for sharing.